Tver, Russia
Well, the team had a challenging day today. For the last 25 miles of their 52.5 mile run, the river was 3-4 feet deep and stagnant. ...

Staritsa, Russia
At check-in , West said today was the best weather day, yet. It's not quite T-shirt weather but getting close. Nights are still chilly...

Rzhev, Russia
Rzhev is one of the oldest cities on record in Tver region. It has about 62,000 residents and has many old churches and buildings...
45 Miles and counting
The team paddled 45 miles today. The river is great, wide open, and flowing. They got a late start (10:40 am) because the sun was out...
SPOT Tracker update
The team is well under way today. Apparently, SPOT tracker is having a little difficulty with their satellite. I've called and they...
Verkhnevolzhskiy, Russia
Whew...what a word.! The team just passed THAT town and are camping on the banks of the river. I cannot give you much incite into this...

Peno, Russia
West and Jeff checked in after paddling 30 miles today amid rain, fog and a strong headwind. They said it's been raining off and on,...

Finally Paddling!
Jeff & West are pretty excited to finally start paddling. If you are following their SPOT tracker, they are making pretty good time...

"Bogged" Down
I received an update from West this morning. He was unable to check in yesterday because the place they bedded down for the night was...

After a year and a half of planning, we are finally launching the first expedition to paddle the entire 2300 mile (3700 km) length of...